Object of the Preposition

Among the widely used words in English are prepositions. As one of the function words, prepositions cannot stand on their own to form meaning. It needs other parts of speech to create a complete sentence. Nouns and pronouns fill in the gaps and take the function of becoming an object of the preposition.

An object of the preposition is a noun, pronoun, or phrase that follows a preposition and completes its meaning. It answers the questions “what,” “where, or “who.” For example, in the sentence “I looked for the book on the shelf,” the word “on” is a preposition, and “shelf” is the object of the preposition.

In some cases, the object of the preposition can be a phrase instead of a single word. For example, in the sentence “I looked for the book on top of the shelf,” “top of the shelf” is an object of the preposition. The phrase functions as a single unit and answers the question “where.”

What is an Object of the Preposition?

Prepositions are words that express a relationship between time, space, or direction. The most common prepositions are ‘in, at, with, on, across, and between.’ Moreover, the object of the preposition offers an answer to questions like where, when, who, and whom.

Here are a few examples of prepositions in sentences:

  • The bag is in the corner of the room.
  • Question form: Where is the bag? In the corner.
  • My sister is at the grocery store.
  • Question form: Where is my sister? At the grocery store.
  • He was with her when the accident happened.
  • Question form: Who was he with when the accident happened? He was with her.
  • Sam said the bill was on him this time, so I didn’t pay anything.
  • Question form: On whom was the bill this time? On him.
  • The school is across the street.
  • Question form: Where is the school? Across the street.
  • His mother left for work early in the morning.
  • Question form: When did his mother leave? In the morning.
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Object of the Preposition Rules

Using and finding the object of the preposition in a sentence is relatively easy. First, familiarize yourself with prepositions and their meanings. Then, look for the preposition in the sentence and identify what follows it. That would be the object of the preposition.

Consider the sentences below:

  1. Kiana will visit me in December.
  2. The conference meeting is on the third floor.

The object of the preposition in the first sentence is “December,” and in the second sentence, it is “the third floor.”

In some cases, a phrase can also be the object of a preposition. Like in the sentence: The book is on top of the shelf. The “top of the shelf” is a phrase that functions as the object of the preposition or prepositional phrase.

Here are a few examples of prepositional phrases:

  • My mother has a strong trust in your ability to graduate with flying colors.
  • It’s not a secret that behind every person’s success is a lot of hard work.
  • Your pet dog has been sleeping well since you brought him home.

Finally, prepositional phrases containing an object of a preposition can function as the subject of a sentence.

For example:

  • After breakfast would be the best time to go for a walk.
  • By the end of June, a new school year begins in this country.
  • Through the woods is where I like to take my morning jog.
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Examples Object of the Preposition

Here are fifteen examples of sentences with the object of the prepositions.

  1. You can find the box of confidential documents under the bed.
  2. Olivia gave me a basket of fruit along with a card.
  3. The train arrived by the time I got to the station.
  4. We will be going on vacation during the kids’ summer break.
  5. I’m not sure why he is not around the office today.
  6. The meeting is in the conference room at 3 pm.
  7. The restaurant is far from the museum, so we’ll need to take a taxi.
  8. On the way home, I stopped to buy a tub of ice cream.
  9. The cat was hiding behind the couch when I came in.
  10. I saw a bird flying over the lake this morning.
  11. We are walking toward the park to have a picnic.
  12. The kids ran into the house when it started raining.
  13. I took my shoes off and left them out of sight.
  14. Henry found a drug store down the street from his house.
  15. Among fifteen candidates, only three qualified for the scholarship.

Object of the Preposition Exercises with Answers

Find the object of the preposition in the sentences below.

1. Jonathan jumped over the fence and scraped his knee.

2. Mikayla’s grandmother told a story about Snow White.

3. The boy with the khaki shorts ran and screamed.

4. In total panic, he forgot to take the portfolio.

5. They can park their cars across the street.


1. fence

2. Snow White

3. shorts

4. panic

5. street

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Object of the Preposition List

  • in your bag
  • in the pocket
  • in the fridge
  • in May
  • in the afternoon
  • in 2001
  • at the party
  • at your house
  • below the sea level
  • below the surface
  • beside the lake
  • beside the river
  • beside the house
  • at the store
  • on the wall
  • on the desk
  • on the floor
  • on Monday
  • on the bus
  • before next week
  • before midnight
  • before Christmas
  • after the wedding
  • after the announcement
  • after the meeting
  • above the clouds
  • above the tree
  • above the mountain
  • among friends
  • among the students
  • among the actors
  • from the airport
  • from the office
  • from the school
  • close to the pharmacy
  • close to the diner
  • close to the church
  • outside of the city
  • outside of the building
  • outside of the house
  • up the hill
  • up the stairs
  • up the tress
  • down the street
  • down the alley
  • down the aisle
  • next to the bus stop
  • next to the canteen
  • next to the auditorium
Learn English Grammar Infographic

Advice for ESL Students & English Language Learners

English grammar, like any language, is a complex subject to study. Understanding and applying grammar rules can be challenging, especially for English language learners. However, your success in learning the language is dependent on your learning plan.

First, know that there are different levels of language proficiency. Knowing your status allows you to align it with your study materials and learning strategy. To keep your motivation, select beginner-friendly materials instead of university textbooks when starting. In doing so, you will feel less intimidated by the topics you should learn.

Second, focus on the basics: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Learn how to use them correctly in sentences and understand their meaning. It will help you build a strong foundation for your English language learning journey. Divide those topics into subtopics and learn each concept and rule one by one.

Third, find a reliable source of learning materials. Online resources such as websites, blogs, and YouTube videos are mostly free. LillyPad’s blog, for example, is a great resource for English language learning materials. Additionally, you can find books and other printed materials in your local library or bookstore.

Fourth, practice speaking the language with native speakers or other English learners. It will help you understand how to use the language correctly in conversations and improve your pronunciation.

Finally, be patient with yourself and don’t give up. Learning a language takes time and effort, so set realistic goals and celebrate your achievements along the way.

Additionally, it is important for learners to properly understand possessive case of nouns and intransitive.

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Common Errors Made by English Learners

Learning a new language can be difficult, and English is no exception. Even experienced English learners make mistakes when speaking or writing in the language. Here are some of the most common mistakes made by English learners:

Common MistakeExplanationExamples
Using ‘depends of’ instead of ‘depends on’In reference to time, on and of are the same. For example “third day of March 2023” is the same as “on March 3, 2023.”

However, there are words (i.e., depends) that strictly take the preposition “on.”
Incorrect: It depends of the decision of the upper management.

Correct: It depends on the decision of the upper management.
Using in and on interchangeably when speaking of timeThe prepositions in and on are used in expressing time reference.

Use “in” when referring to general times such as a month, week, year, and unspecified date. Whereas “on” is used with specific dates and events.
Sharmaine will hike in April.

The event happened in 2019.

We met on August 1, 2020.

I will see her on Easter Sunday.
Using in the night and at night interchangeablyBoth ‘in the night’ and ‘at night’ are correct depending on the context wherein they are used. ‘In the night’ refers to one particular night, and ‘at night’ encompasses any night in general.In the night of a star-filled sky, one can feel a sense of awe and wonder.

I avoid going out at night due to safety concerns.

Yvonne stumbled upon a wooden chest on her way home in the night yesterday.

At night, the cats prowl around the neighborhood in search of food.
Object of the Preposition Common Errors Table
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Learning Strategies and Best Practices for Object of the Preposition

A holistic approach to learning a language makes it easier to understand and remember. The five macro skills, reading, listening, viewing, speaking, and writing, should be developed and used in the learning process for better language acquisition. The table below lists activities you can do when learning linking verbs:

Learning Strategies
Reading– Use flashcards to know basic English sight words and their meaning.
– Search for material that contains translations of common expressions from your native language to English.
– Select study materials appropriate for your language proficiency.
Listening– Listen to an audiobook or a song and write what you hear to improve your retention of English words.
– Compare and contrast two audio materials like TV ads and a speech.
– Summarize a podcast, movie, audiobook, and other English audio materials.
Viewing– Observe how native speakers speak and try to mimic it.
– Watch English movies, interviews, and tutorials.
– Use pictographs to learn and remember new words.
Speaking– Join a community of English language learners and communicate with them to improve and gain feedback.
– Integrate the language into your daily life and try to speak using English.
– Participate in speech organizations (e.g. debate clubs, theatre groups)
Writing– Write a journal of your learning journey in English.
– Answer practice tests and create your own sentences.
– Create a reflection essay on the media you watch or listen to.
Object of the Preposition Learning Strategies Table
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Object of the Preposition Frequently Asked Questions

The five most common prepositions in English grammar are: of, in, to, for, and with. The preposition ‘of’ is commonly used to indicate possession (the crown of the queen), measurement (half of a hundred), or a relationship between two nouns (the son of Harry and Gemma).

‘In’ shows a spatial relationship between objects (in the bag) and refers to a general or unspecified time (in December).

The preposition ‘to’ indicates movement or direction (to the mall). Moreover, ‘for’ expresses purpose or intention (shoes for my brother). Lastly, the preposition ‘with’ is used to express accompaniment or association (the man with the corgi).

A noun or pronoun takes the role of an object of a preposition. It follows prepositions and completes its meaning. For example, in the sentence “She ran away from home,” the word “home” is the object of the preposition “from.”

The object of the preposition is in the objective case. It means that the noun or pronoun following the preposition is in its objective form.

A subject of a sentence is the doer of an action —it performs the verb. Meanwhile, an object of preposition comes completes the prepositional phrase. It answers the questions “whom?” or “what?” in relation to the preposition. For example, in the sentence “The cat jumped off the table”, “table” is the object of the preposition “off.” Additionally, the subject (doer of an action) is the cat.

1. She is walking to the store.
2. The fish is swimming in the lake.
3. I am reading a book about history.
4. He is sitting on a chair.
5. We are going to the sanctuary.
6. She is looking at the stars in the sky.
7. They are playing with their toys inside the house.
8. She is running away from danger.
9. He is hiding behind the curtain.
10. We are swimming in the pool.

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Learn from History – Follow the Science – Listen to the Experts

For learners of all ages striving to improve their English, LillyPad combines the most scientifically studied and recommended path to achieving English fluency and proficiency with today’s most brilliant technologies!

What’s the one thing that makes LillyPad so special? Lilly! Lilly’s a personal English tutor, and has people talking all over the world! Lilly makes improving your English easy. With Lilly, you can read in four different ways, and you can read just about anything you love. And learning with Lilly, well that’s what you call liberating!

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