8 Useful Idioms For Loneliness

Idioms for Loneliness

English Idioms for Loneliness, expressions, and proverbs are an important part of the English language, both spoken and written English are saturated with them.

For ESL Students idioms are frustrating to figure out, the reason being Idioms don’t make literal sense.

To learn the meanings and usage of idioms, ESL students must practice and familiarize themselves with their everyday usage.

The team at Lillypad understands the pain and difficulties English Learners bump into comprehending the true meaning and fitting usage. This list of idioms for Loneliness makes learning easy, with common Loneliness idioms, definitions, and example sentences that make the meaning clear.

Learning to use common idioms and expressions will make your English sound more native, so it’s a good idea to master some of these expressions with daily practice, so bookmark this page or share it with your friends; now let us learn about idioms for Loneliness together.

Idioms for Loneliness with Meanings, Definitions & Example Sentences

1. Reduce (Someone) To Tears

Definition and Meaning: Reduce (Someone) To Tears

The expression means to cry eventually after feeling sad or depressed.

Reduce (Someone) To Tears Example Sentences:

  • Diana was reduced to tears by the time the movie ended.
  • It’s been a while since a film reduced me to tears.
  • Pasha was reduced to tears by her students’ letters.
  • Watching homecoming videos always reduced Tricia to tears.
  • Peter’s a crybaby. Anything will reduce him to tears.

2. Face (Be) Like A Wet Weekend

Definition and Meaning: Face (Be) Like A Wet Weekend

The expression “face (be) like a wet weekend” means that the person looks sad or depressed.

Face (Be) Like A Wet Weekend Example Sentences:

  • Georgina is walking around with a face like a wet weekend. Is she all right?
  • Alexander, your face is like a wet weekend. What’s wrong?
  • Their faces looked like a wet weekend after a conference with the manager.
  • Fiona left the office with her face looking like a wet weekend.
  • Why do you have a face like a wet weekend? You were happy a minute ago.

3. I’m Feeling Cut Off From The World

Definition and Meaning: I’m Feeling Cut Off From The World

The expression “I’m feeling cut off from the world” means that the person feels isolated and alone.

I’m Feeling Cut Off From The World Example Sentences:

  • I’ve been home-based for a year now and suddenly I’m feeling cut off from the world.
  • I’m feeling cut off from the world since all my friends are overseas.
  • A lot of people feel cut off from the world if they don’t have internet.
  • Living in a small town always feels like I’m cut off from the world.
  • I’m feeling cut off from the world since my cat broke my phone.

4. I’m A Lone Wolf

Definition and Meaning: I’m A Lone Wolf

The expression “I’m a lone wolf” means that I’m a person who prefers to be alone or who works best alone.

I’m A Lone Wolf Example Sentences:

  • I’m a lone wolf when it comes to managing my staff.
  • He’s a lone wolf and he’s known to prefer doing things by himself.
  • Everyone at the center knows Brandy is a lone wolf.
  • My father is a lone wolf and doesn’t want help when he has a project to do.
  • I’m a lone wolf when it comes to studying. I can’t stand a group study session.

5. Feeling Blue

Definition and Meaning: Feeling Blue

The phrase “feeling blue” is a common idiom in English that is used to describe feeling sad or depressed.

Feeling Blue Example Sentences:

  • I’ve been feeling blue since the breakup and can’t seem to shake it.
  • I’m feeling blue today, so I’m going to stay in and eat ice cream.
  • He’s feeling blue because he didn’t get the promotion
  • My closest friend moved away and now I’m feeling blue.
  • I’m feeling blue because I’m feeling a bit homesick.

6. Down In The Dumps

Definition and Meaning: Down In The Dumps

The expression “down in the dumps” means to feel lonely, sad, or dejected.

Down In The Dumps Example Sentences:

  • Alexa has been down in the dumps since she got laid off from the company.
  • After the earthquake, everyone has been down in the dumps.
  • It’s typical to be down in the dumps after your breakup.
  • She’s been down in the dumps, hasn’t she? What can we do to help?
  • My twin sisters have both been down in the dumps since their fight yesterday.

7. Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Definition and Meaning: Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

The expression “every cloud has a silver lining” means that there is always a positive side to every negative situation.

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining Example Sentences:

  • Every cloud has a silver lining, you only need to try and remain optimistic.
  • After the storm passed, we were able to appreciate the rainbow in the sky and remember that every cloud has a silver lining.
  • Even though I failed the test, I’m still hopeful that every cloud has a silver lining.
  • After the divorce, my friend realized that every cloud has a silver lining and was able to find a new sense of freedom.
  • Even though I had to move away from my family, I’m still thankful that I have new opportunities. Every cloud has a silver lining.

8. Time Heals All Wounds

Definition and Meaning: Time Heals All Wounds

The expression “time heals all wounds” means that over time, people will forget about the hurt that was caused and will forgive the person who caused the hurt.

Time Heals All Wounds Example Sentences:

  • I know it’s hard for Kim to move on from the loss. It’ll get better. Time heals all wounds.
  • Time heals all wounds so take your time and feel what you need to feel.
  • It will never be okay that she’s gone but it will get better. Time heals all wounds.
  • Well, time heals all wounds, so I hope you’ll forgive him eventually.
  • Lisa is still upset about the situation, but just wait, time heals all wounds.

Looking for more examples of English Idioms with example sentences, correct usage, and definitions?

Idioms For Feeling Excited
Idioms For Being Sad
Idioms For Attraction
Idioms For Crying
Idioms For Anger

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William Landry

William Landry

William is a professional English and ESL teacher with over 15 years of experience. He has taught students of all ages, from children to business executives, and has worked with ESL learners from all over the globe. With a degree in English Education, William has developed curriculum for learners of all levels and interests. He is passionate about helping people learn English effectively and shares his knowledge with the LillyPad community. When he’s not teaching or writing, William enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.

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