8 Best Idioms For Speaking

Idioms for Speaking

English Idioms for Speaking, expressions and proverbs are an essential part of the English language. Both spoken and written English are filled with them.

For ESL Students, idioms for Speaking are confusing to get one’s head around, the reason being; Idioms don’t make literal sense.

To learn the meanings and usage of idioms, English learners must study and familiarize themselves with their everyday usage.

The team at Lillypad understands the pain and difficulties English Learners run up against comprehending the true meaning and suitable usage. This list of idioms for Speaking makes learning easy as ABC, with common Speaking idioms, definitions, and example sentences which make the meaning clear.

Learning to use common idioms and expressions will make your English sound more native, so it’s a good idea to master some of these expressions with daily practice. Bookmark this page or share it with your friends; now let’s learn about idioms for Speaking together.

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Idioms for Speaking with Meanings, Definitions & Example Sentences

1. There Are Many Ways To Do Something

Definition and Meaning: There Are Many Ways To Do Something

The expression means that there are often multiple ways to accomplish a task or goal.

There Are Many Ways To Do Something Example Sentences:

  • There are many ways to make a delicious meal – you can try different recipes, experiment with different ingredients, or even take a cooking class
  • There are many ways to save money – you can cut back on unnecessary expenses, look for discounts, or invest in a high-interest savings account
  • There are many ways to stay healthy – you can exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep
  • There are many ways to learn a new language – you can take classes, use online resources, or practice with a native speaker
  • There are many ways to solve a problem – you can brainstorm ideas, research potential solutions, or consult an expert

2. That’ll Be The Day

Definition and Meaning: That’ll Be The Day

This expression is often used to express disbelief or scepticism.

That’ll Be The Day Example Sentences:

  • I’ll be able to run a marathon in under two hours – that’ll be the day!
  • My brother said he’ll clean his room without being asked – that’ll be the day!
  • My cat said she’ll stop sleeping on my laptop – that’ll be the day!
  • My friend said he’ll stop eating junk food – that’ll be the day!
  • My sister said she’ll stop talking on the phone all night – that’ll be the day!

3. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Definition and Meaning: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

The expression “let sleeping dogs lie” means to leave something alone that is better left alone.

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Example Sentences:

  • I know you’re tempted to bring up the argument you had with your brother, but I think it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie
  • I heard about the scandal at the company, but I think it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie and not ask any questions
  • I know you’re curious about what happened between your parents, but it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie and not bring it up
  • I know you want to get revenge on your ex, but it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie and move on with your life
  • I know you want to get involved in the dispute between your neighbours, but it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie and stay out of it

4. I’m Not Convinced

Definition and Meaning: I’m Not Convinced

The speaker is not convinced by the argument that has been presented.

I’m Not Convinced Example Sentences:

  • I’m not convinced that the new policy will be beneficial for the company
  • I’m not convinced that the new diet will help me lose weight
  • I’m not convinced that the new technology will be successful in the market
  • I’m not convinced that the new product will be a hit with customers
  • I’m not convinced that the new marketing strategy will be effective

5. You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

Definition and Meaning: You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

The expression means that you can’t judge something by its appearance.

You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover Example Sentences:

  • Just because my friend looks like a slob doesn’t mean he’s not a genius You can’t judge a book by its cover.
  • Don’t be fooled by the fancy packaging of this product You can’t judge a book by its cover.
  • Don’t be so quick to judge my new neighbour You can’t judge a book by its cover.
  • Don’t be so quick to dismiss this new restaurant You can’t judge a book by its cover.
  • Don’t be so quick to judge my new car You can’t judge a book by its cover.

6. The Last Straw

Definition and Meaning: The Last Straw

The expression “the last straw” is used to describe a situation where someone has had enough and can’t take anymore.

The Last Straw Example Sentences:

  • After my boss yelled at me for the third time this week, the last straw was when he made me stay late to finish a project
  • After months of dealing with my roommate’s messiness, the last straw was when I found mold growing in the kitchen
  • After my car broke down for the third time this year, the last straw was when I had to pay for a costly repair
  • After my partner’s constant criticism, the last straw was when they belittled me in front of my friends
  • After my child’s poor grades, the last straw was when they were suspended from school

7. I’m Not Putting Up With This!

Definition and Meaning: I’m Not Putting Up With This!

This expression means that the speaker is not going to tolerate a certain situation.

I’m Not Putting Up With This! Example Sentences:

  • I’m not putting up with this! I’m not going to let you talk to me like that!
  • I’m not putting up with this! I’m not going to let you take advantage of me any longer!
  • I’m not putting up with this! I’m not going to let you keep making excuses for why you can’t do your job!
  • I’m not putting up with this! I’m not going to let you keep ignoring my requests!
  • I’m not putting up with this! I’m not going to let you keep disrespecting me!

8. The Final Straw

Definition and Meaning: The Final Straw

The final straw is the last in a series of events that leads to a negative outcome.

The Final Straw Example Sentences:

  • After months of dealing with her boss’s unreasonable demands, the final straw was when he asked her to work on the weekend
  • After months of trying to make the relationship work, the final straw was when he cheated on her
  • After months of dealing with her roommate’s messiness, the final straw was when she found her clothes all over the floor
  • After months of dealing with his unreliable car, the final straw was when it broke down on the highway
  • After months of dealing with her neighbour’s loud music, the final straw was when it kept her up all night

Looking for more examples of English Idioms with example sentences, proper usage and definitions?

Helpful Idioms For Esl Learners
Top Idioms For Business English
Helpful Idioms For Beginners English
Everyday Idioms For English
Common Idioms For Esl

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Bethany MacDonald

Bethany MacDonald

Bethany MacDonald has contributed articles LillyPad.ai since 2020. As their Blog Lead, she specialises in informative pieces on culture, education, and language learning

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