Learn 9 Reading Comprehension Strategies of Effective Readers

Student desk with books, pencils and wooden blocks symbolizing elements of effective reading comprehension strategies

Comprehension is the ability to understand and remember what is read. Good reading comprehension requires the ability to read accurately, make inferences, and drawing conclusions are several reading comprehension strategies that can be used to improve reading comprehension skills. In this blog, we will detail 6 of the most effective ones to learn the English language. This will make it easy for you to finally work on improving reading fluency.

Reading Comprehension is an important skill for students and language learners alike. By definition, it is the ability to understand and interpret a given text. For English students, this means being able to glean the main ideas from a lecture or reading assignment. Figuring out how to learn English reading skills is hard to do alone. Teachers are equipped with detail-oriented tasks to give their students so they can achieve maximum efficiency.

For English language learners, comprehension goes a step further, requiring not only an understanding of the words but also an understanding of the grammar and cultural context. This requires reading strategies that go beyond your typical student. Good reading comprehension skills are essential for both types of students because they enable them to efficiently absorb new information.


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Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Repetition

You may find yourself wondering how to improve reading comprehension as soon as possible. One way to improve reading comprehension is to read the text multiple times. This allows you to process the information more slowly and carefully, which can help you better understand and remember it. Additionally, reading the text multiple times can help you pick up on details that you may have missed the first time around. Repeating will over time give you the level of comprehension akin to seasoned readers.

  • Repetition is an active reading strategy that can be used to support understanding of the text. When reading, try reading the same sentence or paragraph several times. This will help to embed the information in your memory.
  • Another way to use repetition is to read aloud. This will help you to hear the information and also see it written down, which can aid in understanding.
  • You can also ask someone else to read the text aloud to you or listen to a recording of the text being read.

Repetition can be a helpful strategy for reading comprehension, so give it a try next time you are reading something that you want to understand more fully.

Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Chunking

Most people reading this blog post will be reading it on a screen, whether that’s a computer, phone, or tablet. And most people reading on a screen will have a hard time reading big blocks of text. That’s why it’s important to learn how to break into chunks to improve your reading comprehension. Proficient readers do this automatically, but this can be achieved with whatever current level of reading you are enjoying.

There are a few different reading comprehension strategies you can use to break a text into chunks:

  • The first is called skimming. When you skim a text, you quickly read through it to get the main idea. You don’t worry about understanding every word, but you do try to get a sense of the author’s overall argument.
  • The second reading comprehension strategy is called scanning. When you scan a text, you’re looking for the central idea. You might scan a paragraph for a name, dates, or numbers. Or you might scan an entire article for mentions of a certain keyword. This helps you understand the essential ideas of the text.
  • The last reading comprehension instruction is called close reading. This is the final step in these teaching strategies. When you do a close reading, you read the text slowly and carefully, paying attention to every word and sentence. This is the best way to understand all the nuances of an author’s voice.

Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Summarizing

Being able to summarize a text is a valuable reading comprehension strategy. It allows readers to focus on the most important ideas in a text, reference mental imagery, and ignore irrelevant information. Summarizing also forces readers to practice condensing complex information into a more manageable form. When done correctly, summarizing can help readers to better understand and remember what they have read.

So how do you summarize a text?

  • The first step is to identify the main idea of the text. This can be done by reading the first and last paragraphs, as well as any headings or subheadings. You can do this with an entire book if you’re starting with picture books. But you may want to take it one page at a time with dense books requiring a stronger attention span.
  • Once you have identified the main idea, try to identify the most important supporting details. These are often found in the middle section of the text.
  • Finally, once you have selected the most important information, you can begin to write your summary. Begin with your story structure and any visual representations you can identify, and then start building the story maps.

Keep it short and to the point, focusing only on the most essential information. By following these steps, you will be able to effectively summarize any text and build better reading skills.

Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Questioning

Asking questions is a key reading comprehension strategy. By asking questions readers can engage with the material on a deeper level, fostering a better understanding of the content. Questions can be used to clarify abstract concepts, make predictions about what will happen next, or get additional information about the author’s intentions.

When reading, it can be helpful to have a list of question types handy so that you can ask yourself different types of questions about the text. Here is a direct instruction on some important question types:

  • Who-questions: These questions ask about the characters in the text and their motivations. For example, “Who is the protagonist?” or “Who is telling the story?”
  • What-questions: These questions ask about the plot and specific events in the story. For example, “What does the protagonist want?” or “What happened in the climax?”
  • When-questions: These questions ask about the timeline of events in the story. For example, “When did the antagonist first appear?” or “When did the conflict begin?”
  • Where-questions: These questions ask about the setting of the story. For example, “Where does the majority of the action take place?”
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Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Mind Mapping

Reading comprehension is a process that begins with the reader making connections between the text and their own life experiences. This effective strategy is known as “mental mapping.” This involves creating a mental image of the text, which can help you to retain information and follow the author’s train of thought. The more connections the reader can make, the better they will be able to understand and remember the information in the text. There are a few specific reading comprehension strategies that can help readers make these connections.

  • First, readers should try to identify key ideas and themes in the text. Identifying these main ideas will help readers see how the different parts of the text fit together and what the overall message of the text is.
  • Second, readers should look for personal connections to the text. This could be something as simple as identifying a character that you relate to or a situation that reminds you of something from your own life.
  • Third, readers should ask themselves questions about the text as they are reading. This will help keep them engaged with the material and ensure that they are understanding what they are reading. By using these reading comprehension strategies, readers will be better able to connect with the text and master its content.

By taking the time to employ these reading components of reading fluency, you will be well on your way to mastering this important skill.

Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers are a visual way to organize information. They can be used to represent relationships between ideas, identify key concepts, and track progress towards reading comprehension goals. There are many different types of graphic organizers, but they all share the same goal of helping readers to make sense of information.

  • When using a graphic organizer for reading comprehension, it is important to select an organizer that is appropriate for the text and the reader’s needs.
  • Once the organizer has been selected, the reader can begin to fill in the blanks with information from the text.
  • As the reader reads, they should look for main ideas, supporting details, and any other information that will help to fill in the graphic organizer.

By taking the time to complete a graphic organizer, readers can develop a deeper understanding of the text and improve their reading comprehension skills.

Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Metacognition

Metacognition is often described as “thinking about thinking.” It refers to the ability to reflect on and monitor one’s own cognitive processes. When it comes to reading comprehension, metacognition can involve things like monitoring one’s own understanding of the text, making predictions about upcoming content, and adjusting reading strategies based on how well one is comprehending the material.

Research has shown that metacognitive reading strategies can be particularly helpful for students who struggle with reading comprehension. For example:

  • By monitoring their own understanding of the text, students can catch themselves when they start to lose focus and re-engage with the material.
  • By making predictions about upcoming content, students can prepare themselves for upcoming information and better integrate new information into their existing knowledge.
  • By adjusting metacognitive reading strategies, students can try different approaches to see what works best for them.

In short, this is a powerful tool that can help students improve their reading comprehension.

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Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Making Inferences

When reading any text, it is important to be able to understand what the author is trying to communicate. In order to do this, readers need to be able to make inferences. Making inferences is the process of using information from the text combined with your own prior knowledge and experiences to arrive at a conclusion. It is an important reading comprehension strategy that can help you understand a text more fully.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when making inferences:

  • First, you need to pay attention to both the explicit and implicit information in the text. The explicit information is what is directly stated by the author, while the implicit information is what is implied or suggested by the author.
  • Second, you need to use your prior knowledge and experience information gaps in information.
  • Finally, you need to be willing to revise your inferences as new information arises.

With practice, making inferences will become second nature and will help you improve your instructional strategies for reading.

Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Reciprocal Teaching

By taking turns leading these activities, students and teachers can work together to build better communication skills. Reciprocal teaching is a reading comprehension strategy that involves four key activities: summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting:

  • Summarizing involves identifying the main concisely and communicating them.
  • Questioning involves asking quest about the text in order to generate discussion and deepen understanding.
  • Clarifying involves helping others to understand difficult parts of the text. Predicting involves making predictions about what will happen next in the text.

Reciprocal teaching can be used with any type of text, and it is an especially helpful strategy for complex or challenging texts. By working together to summarize, question, clarify, and predict, students and teachers can improve reading comprehension and build a shared understanding of the text.

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9 Best Strategies for Reading Comprehension Summary Table
1. Repetition
Repetition is the act of repeating something multiple times. It can be used as a reading comprehension strategy to help students remember information. When students repeat words or phrases, they are more likely to remember them. Repeating information aloud or in writing can also help students better understand it.
2. Chunking
Chunking is a reading comprehension strategy that involves breaking down a text into smaller, manageable pieces. By doing this, you can more easily focus on and understand each individual piece. Additionally, chunking can help you to better remember the information in the text. When using this strategy, you can break the text down into paragraphs, sentences, or words.
3. Summarizing
Summarizing is the process of taking a text and reducing it to its main ideas. This can be done by identifying the main points in each paragraph and then writing a brief summary of those points. Summarizing is an important reading comprehension strategy because it allows the reader to grasp the essential information in a text without getting bogged down.
4. Questioning
Questioning is a reading comprehension strategy that involves the reader asking questions about the text. This can be done before, during, or after reading. Asking questions helps the reader to better engage with the material and understand what is being read.
5. Mind Mapping
Mind mapping is a technique used to visually organize information. It involves creating a diagram with branches that radiates out from a central topic. Each branch represents a related idea or piece of information. Mind mapping can be used to brainstorm ideas, plan projects, and take notes.
6. Graphic Organizers
A graphic organizer is a tool used to visually display the relationships between ideas or pieces of information. Graphic organizers can be used to organize information in any subject area. There are many different types of graphic organizers, each with its own unique purpose. The most common type of graphic organizer is the five-paragraph essay.
7. Metacognition
Metacognition is defined as “thinking about one’s own thinking.” It refers to the ability to reflect on and monitor one’s own cognitive processes. This includes things like paying attention, remembering, and problem-solving. Metacognition is a critical reading comprehension strategy because it allows readers to be aware of their own thought processes.
8. Making Inferences
Making inferences is the ability to read between the lines and understand what is not explicitly stated in a text. This is a crucial reading comprehension skill because it allows readers to draw conclusions based on the information they have been given.
9. Reciprocal Teaching
Reciprocal teaching is an instructional activity that takes place between students and teachers. It is a way for students to learn how to take control of their own learning by asking questions, making predictions, and summarizing what they have read. The teacher acts as a facilitator, guiding the students through the process of reciprocal teaching.


This blog has given you a wealth of information on reading comprehension tips. These strategies can be used to improve your understanding of written texts, whether you’re reading for school or for pleasure. By taking the time to employ these reading strategies, you will see a significant improvement in your comprehension skills. So why not give them a try today? You may be surprised at just how much they can help you to understand this type of reading.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different types of reading comprehension?

There are four main types of reading comprehension: literal, interpretive, evaluative, and applied. Literal comprehension is the ability to read and understand the basic meaning of a text. Interpretive comprehension requires readers to go beyond the literal meaning and analyze the author’s use of language, including figurative language, symbols, and literary devices. Evaluative comprehension asks readers to not only understand the text but also assess its value. Finally, applied comprehension requires readers to use the information in the text to solve a problem or complete a task.

How can students improve reading skills?

There are many things that students can do to improve their reading skills. First, they should make sure that they are reading regularly. This will help them to become more comfortable with the act of reading and will also allow them to build up their stamina. In addition, students should try to read a variety of different materials, including both fiction and non-fiction. This will help them to develop a better understanding of the different ways that information can be presented. Finally, students should take the time to stop and think about what they are reading. This will help them to better process and understand the information that they are taking in.

How can I improve reading skills?

One of the best ways to become a better reader is to practice reading aloud. This helps to improve fluency and comprehension by forcing you to slow down and pay attention to the words on the page. In addition, it can be helpful to read material that is interesting to you. When you are engaged with what you are reading, you are more likely to pay attention and retain information.

Why reading strategies are important?

Being a good reader requires more than just being able to read the words on the page. To understand what they are reading, readers must also have a set of strategies that they can use to decode the text and make meaning of it. Some of the most important reading strategies include determining the purpose of reading, identifying the main idea and key details, making predictions, and asking questions. These strategies help readers to focus their attention and comprehend what they are reading. 

What are the 4 types of reading strategies?

There four main types of reading strategies: skimming, scanning, intensive reading, and extensive reading. Skimming is a technique used to quickly glean the most important information from a text. Scanning is a similar technique, but it is used to locate specific information within a text. Intensive reading is a slower and more thorough form of reading that is used to gain a deep understanding of the text. Extensive reading is used to develop language skills and fluency. It involves reading large amounts of text for pleasure rather than for specific information.

What are the best 3 comprehension strategies?

The first strategy is known as “active reading.” This involves reading the text closely and actively engaging with the material. This means not just passively skimming the surface, but taking the time to really think about what is being read and making connections to prior knowledge. Additionally, active reading often involves taking notes or highlighting important information.

The second strategy is called “questioning.” As one reads, it can be helpful to constantly ask oneself questions about the text. What is the main idea? What are the author’s objectives? What are the supporting details? By constantly asking questions, one can ensure that they are fully engaged with the text and are not missing any important information.

The third and final strategy is referred to as “summarizing.” After finishing a section or chapter, it can be helpful to take a few minutes to summarize what was just read. This can be done either verbally or in writing, but the goal is to condense the material down into its most essential points. This strategy helps to solidify comprehension and allows readers to identify any areas that may need further clarification.

What are the 5 reading comprehension strategies?

1. Read aloud. When students hear the text being read aloud with expression, it helps them to better understand the meaning. It also allows them to see how punctuation can affect the tone of the text.

2. Ask questions. Asking questions about the text is a great way to encourage active reading. Students should be encouraged to ask both literal and inferential questions.

3. Summarize. summarizing helps students identify the main points in a text and understand how those points fit together. It’s also a good way to check for understanding.

4. Connect to prior knowledge. Helping students make connections between what they already know and what they’re reading is a powerful way to increase comprehension.

5. Visualize. Encouraging students to create mental images of what they’re reading can also help them to better understand the text.

What are the 7 reading comprehension strategies?

There are seven primary reading comprehension strategies: monitoring, predicting, questioning, clarifying, summarizing, evaluating and visualizing. Each of these strategies can be used to improve understanding of a text. 

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Bethany MacDonald

Bethany MacDonald

Bethany MacDonald has contributed articles LillyPad.ai since 2020. As their Blog Lead, she specialises in informative pieces on culture, education, and language learning

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