What are the Benefits of Reading Aloud?

How reading aloud with Lilly stimulates learning.


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Have you ever been caught enjoying a captivating story, and suddenly the instructor calls on you to read it aloud in front of 20 people? This can be stressful for someone who is shy, but for someone who has language difficulties, it can seem near-impossible.

Children are often encouraged to read aloud whenever they are learning new words in a group or classroom. This is because when a child reads slowly, it helps to stimulate their imagination. It also helps them understand how syllables create full words. Besides creating an interest in vocabulary, it also gives them the ability to describe the world around them more effectively. Reading aloud helps children with their word diction and language skills above all other methods.

For adults, learning a new language has been proven to improve memory, enable better concentration, and improve problem-solving skills. Much like children, the adult mind needs the full picture. In order to get this clear image of complex ideas in their mind, they must enhance their learning language patterns in varied directions. Today there is a wide range of mediums one can use in their daily life to learn a new language, such as:


  • Joining a class
  • Using a self-study CD
  • Downloading a foreign language app

Irrespective of which medium is used, how one studies is a key factor that will decide how fluent one will become in their chosen language.

Reading Aloud from the Text (RAT) is a method of learning a language that has been subject to praise and criticism. Especially in terms of how effective it truly is in helping students speak a foreign language. It has been suggested that it has no genuine communicative purpose to this method because it doesn’t behave like a real conversation. However, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages in various ways. In this article, we will explore the various benefits of reading aloud. These examples will show how reading aloud enables faster, long-term retention of words in a foreign language for students. It also increases the student’s confidence in a wide range, that practising organic conversation cannot.

frog holds books



The Benefits of Reading Aloud

Studies have shown that the act of reading a word and saying it aloud helps the reader to retain the word in their memory for longer. So, why is reading aloud beneficial for a student? This is because when a student reads a part of a text aloud, the brain engages in the act of talking (reading from the text), listening (hearing the way each word is pronounced), and understanding (relating the word to its meaning). This is why most foreign language classes emphasize different aspects of pronunciation, tone, and diction when teaching in a group. The other benefits of reading aloud for students include:


  • Helps identify incorrect pronunciation and correct it
  • Improves overall focus with immersifying
  • Improves vocabulary
  • Opens the mind to new experiences
  • Improves confidence to converse in a foreign language with another person
  • Greatly improves memory
  • Enhances conversational skills and tone

It’s normal for readers to fear making mistakes or being laughed at when reading aloud. On the other hand, this sense of discomfort is insignificant when compared to the number of advantages that reading aloud gives a student. Skills such as pronunciation can not be achieved otherwise. Neither can the ability to converse with others in your chosen language.

Reading aloud is always the first step in learning how to communicate with native speakers. Students who never take the initiative to do this are missing a large step in their learning process. Without learning by reading aloud, you cannot hope to ever achieve success in reading skills.


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How Reading Aloud Helps You Jump the Hurdles of Language

So why is learning a foreign language difficult? One of the main reasons could be that the native language spoken by the reader is nothing like the foreign language the student is learning. The differences could be in the way the foreign language is written, the manner in which the words are pronounced, and also the script which is used for writing. No doubt, becoming fluent in a foreign language is difficult, but reading aloud can make learning so much easier in the following ways:


  • Reading aloud motivates learners and gives them a chance to actually enjoy what they are learning. When one enjoys what is being learned, there is a greater possibility of word retention. Students are also more likely to practice their new set of comprehension skills with other people. The more one practices, the better one’s fluency becomes.
  • One of the more difficult nuances of language levels includes the use of words being written in one way and being pronounced differently. Reading aloud is especially helpful in understanding grammar and other forms of speech that may not make much sense otherwise.
  • With regard to being able to monitor the actual progress of a student who is learning a foreign language, reading aloud gives a teacher or trainer active involvement to correctly judge a student’s proficiency or knowledge of the subject.
  • When students studying a foreign language together in a group are asked to read aloud one after the other, a trainer will also be able to identify which student requires more guidance and personal attention. The input of a trainer is very important here for active listening.
  • Reading aloud from a given text also enables quicker correction of mistakes and reinforcement of the correct pronunciation to use. It also helps comprehension skills and a better understanding of the structure of books.
  • Most importantly, reading aloud and doing so continuously also helps to improve oral skills which in turn gives eventual success and confidence in speaking the foreign language as well.
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Factors To Keep In Mind While Reading Aloud

Reading aloud, especially when one is pronouncing unfamiliar words in a foreign language, can be uncomfortable. In some instances, there is no preparation involved and the student can find themselves put on the spot. Sometimes they are prepared but not in the correct ways. However, there are a few adult reading tips that can be put into practice before actually reading out loud in front of a group:


  • Listening to audiobooks, stories and word pronunciations from reputed sources can help a student improve tone and diction. The more one listens to auditory material, the better acquainted the student will become with the foreign language.
  • In instances where they want to try speaking fluently, the reader can also become familiar with the text that he or she is expected to read. Underlining certain words, writing the phonetic pronunciation next to words that are hard to pronounce, and adding punctuation marks throughout the text can help a reader feel more confident when reading in front of a group.
  • The text that is chosen for reading should match the current reading levels of the reader so that he or she is able to comprehend what is being read. For beginners, starting with reading out a few basic words and simple material like picture books or chapter books can help to build up confidence.
  • Practicing reading book conversations aloud in front of a mirror can be very helpful in helping a reader understand where they need to improve and what their mistakes are. Reading aloud to oneself helps the student understand which part of a sentence needs to be better emphasized.



Our Solution for the Student at Home:

When learning a new language, it is important to have someone there to guide you through the seemingly never-ending process. The right guidance can play a paramount role in helping a student master a foreign language. Keeping all the factors from this article in mind, our experts created a specialized guided English learning application.

Say hello to Lilly! Lilly has been designed to tutor students on a one-on-one basis so various skills such as reading fluency, pronunciation, and comprehension can be dramatically improved with regular practice. Your time with Lilly will also focus on spelling, using the right words in the right context, and putting together sentences for easy conversing. Lilly offers students the ability to speak aloud without the fear of judgment – a great way to build their speaking confidence/competence – in the privacy of their own homes! She also guides you through collections of books in a human voice which has superb benefits for adults learning complex texts.





Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 5 benefits of reading aloud?

Reading aloud has a number of benefits that appeal to both children and adults. First, it is an enjoyable way to relax and wind down at the end of the day. Second, it helps to develop a child’s imagination and creativity. Third, it is a great bonding activity for parents and children. Fourth, it helps to improve reading comprehension and fluency. Finally, it exposes children to a wide range of vocabulary words. All of these benefits make reading aloud an activity that is well worth incorporating into your daily routine.

What is the importance of reading aloud?

Although it is commonly believed that silent reading is more efficient, research has shown that reading aloud can have a number of benefits. For one, it can help to improve comprehension by forcing readers to slow down and pay attention to the words on the page. Additionally, reading aloud can also help to improve pronunciation and reduce the likelihood of making mistakes while reading. Finally, reading aloud can also be a helpful way of proofreading text, as it is easier to catch errors when the text is spoken aloud.

What are the benefits of reading aloud to children everyday?

Studies have shown that children who are read to regularly have higher levels of literacy than those who are not, and they tend to do better on standardized tests. In addition, being read to fosters a love of reading and helps children develop critical thinking skills. It also provides them with an opportunity to bond with the adult reader and build their vocabulary. 

What are the characteristics of loud reading?

Loud reading is characterized by a clear and powerful voice that projects well, but also conveys emotion and feeling. This style of reading is often used by actors, public speakers, and radio announcers. While it may take some practice to master, loud reading can be a great way to add impact and engagement to your words.

What is the purpose of reading aloud to children?

Reading aloud to children has a number of benefits. It helps to develop their vocabulary, improve their understanding of grammar, and increase their concentration span. In addition, reading aloud exposes children to a wide range of literature, both classic and contemporary. As they listen to stories, they learn about other cultures and points of view, and they develop empathy for characters who are different from them.

Is it best to read out loud or silently?

Reading out loud can help you to hear the rhythm and flow of the language, which can aid in comprehension. It also allows you to take your time with each sentence, and to pauses and reflect on the meaning of the text. However, reading out loud can be time-consuming, and it is not always practical or appropriate in public settings.

Silent reading, on the other hand, is generally faster and more efficient. It also allows you to keep your thoughts to yourself, which can be beneficial when reading difficult or sensitive material. However, silent reading can be isolating, and it can be more difficult to notice errors or tricky passages.

What happens if you read out loud everyday?

According to reading specialists, reading out loud on a daily basis can have a number of benefits for both children and adults. For starters, it can help to improve fluency and comprehension skills. When you read out loud, you are forced to slow down and process the words on the page, which can help you to better understand what you are reading.

Additionally, reading out loud can also help to build confidence and improve public speaking skills. When you read aloud, you are effectively giving a mini-performance, which can help to build your confidence when speaking in front of others. 

How can the students improve fluency by reading aloud?

By reading aloud, the students are able to hear themselves and see how they sound to others. This will help them to know what mistakes they are making and how to correct them. In addition, reading aloud will also help the students to increase their speed and accuracy. Furthermore, the students can also improve fluency by recording themselves reading. This will allow them to go back and listen to their performance. 

Learn from History – Follow the Science – Listen to the Experts

What’s the one thing that makes LillyPad so special? Lilly! Lilly is an Artificial Intelligent English tutor, and has people talking all over the world! Lilly makes improving your English easy. With Lilly, you can read in four different ways, and you can read just about anything you love. And learning with Lilly, well that’s what you call liberating!

For learners of all ages striving to improve their English, LillyPad combines the most scientifically studied and recommended path to achieving English fluency and proficiency with today’s most brilliant technologies!

Additionally, the platform incorporates goal-setting capabilities, essential tracking & reporting, gamification, anywhere-anytime convenience, and significant cost savings in comparison to traditional tutoring methodologies.

At LillyPad, everything we do is focused on delivering a personalized journey that is meaningful and life-changing for our members. LillyPad isn’t just the next chapter in English learning…

         …it’s a whole new story!

Do you want to improve your English? Visit www.lillypad.ai.

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Bethany MacDonald

Bethany MacDonald

Bethany MacDonald has contributed articles LillyPad.ai since 2020. As their Blog Lead, she specialises in informative pieces on culture, education, and language learning

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