58 of the Most Common Phrases In English

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Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut when it comes to your English language skills? You know you need to improve, but you’re not sure where to start. Well, one great way to start improving is by learning common phrases in English.

This blog will give you 58 of the most common phrases, and then show how you can learn these from the comfort of home. With just a little bit of effort, you’ll be able to start using these phrases in your everyday conversations. In no time, you’ll be sounding more confident and natural in your English skills. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Frequently Used Phrases in English

1. “Nice to meet you.”

The phrase “nice to meet you” is a common English greeting that is used when two people are meeting for the first time. It is a polite way to say “hello” and to express that you are happy to meet the other person. The phrase can be used in both formal and informal situations.

2. “Thanks so much.”

The phrase “Thanks so much” is a very common one in English. It is used to express gratitude, appreciation or thanks for something. It can be used on its own or followed by a word or phrase such as “for your help” or “for your time”.

3. “I really appreciate…”

The phrase “I really appreciate” is a very common one in English. It is used to express thanks or gratitude for something. For example, you might say “I really appreciate your help with this project” to a colleague who has been particularly helpful.

4. “Excuse me.”

The phrase “Excuse me” is a very common one in English, and there are a few different situations where you might use it. For example, if you need to get past someone who is blocking your way, you can say “Excuse me, please.” If you accidentally bump into someone, you can also say “Excuse me.” And if you want to attract someone’s attention, you can say “Excuse me” followed by their name.

5. “I am sorry.”

The phrase “I am sorry” is a very common one in the English language. It is used to express regret or remorse for something that has happened. This can be something that the speaker has done or something that has happened to the listener. The phrase can also be used as a way of apologizing for inconvenience or hurt feelings.

6. “That sounds great.”

“That sounds great” is a phrase that is commonly used in English to express approval or excitement. The phrase can be used to show agreement with an idea or plan, or to signal that someone is interested in pursuing something further.

7. “(Oh,) never mind.”

The phrase “(Oh,) never mind.” is a very common phrase in English. It describes the feeling of not being able to remember something or when something does not matter.

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Common Questions in English

8. “What do you think?”

The phrase “what do you think?” is a very common one in English. It is often used as a way of asking for someone’s opinion on something. For example, you might say to your friend “What do you think of my new haircut?” or to your colleague “What do you think we should do about this problem?”

9. “What is your phone number?”

The phrase “What is your phone number?” is a polite way of asking someone for their phone number so that you can contact them at a later time. This phrase is often used when two people first meet each other and exchange contact information.

10. “Where are you from?”

This is a simple question, but it can be loaded with meaning. In some cases, it’s simply a way of making conversation. The person asking the question might be interested in your background or your culture. They might also be trying to gauge your level of English proficiency.

11. “Do you have Facebook?”

This phrase is used to ask if someone has a Facebook account. Facebook is a social networking site that allows users to connect with friends and family online. It’s one of the most popular sites on the internet, and many people use it to stay in touch with loved ones.

12. “What do you do?”

The phrase “What do you do?” is a very common question in English. It is used as a way to ask someone about their job, or what they do for a living. For example, if you meet someone at a party, you might ask them “What do you do?” as a way to start a conversation.

13. “How does that sound?”

“How does that sound?” is a common phrase in English that is used to ask for someone’s opinion. It can be used to gauge whether someone is interested in an idea or proposal or to get feedback on something that has already been done.

14. “What do you like to do (in your free time)?”

This question is often used when getting to know someone new. It can also be used as a conversation starter. Interests and hobbies can vary greatly from person to person.

15. “Hi! I am [Name]. (And you?)”

“Hi! I am [Name].” is a common phrase in English that is used to introduce oneself. The phrase can be used both formally and informally, depending on the situation.

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Basic Phrases While Learning English

16. “I am learning English.”

The phrase “I am learning English” is a very common one, and is used to indicate that the speaker is in the process of learning the English language. This phrase can be used by anyone who is studying English, whether they are a beginner or more advanced learner.

17. “I do not understand.”

This phrase is used when someone does not understand something that has been said or done. This phrase can be used in a variety of situations, from simple misunderstandings to complex concepts.

18. “Could you repeat that please?”

This phrase is polite and can be used in a variety of situations. For example, if you are in a meeting and did not hear what someone said, you can politely ask them to repeat it.

19. “Could you please talk slower?”

This request is often made to people who speak English as a second language. It can be difficult for non-native speakers to understand someone if they are speaking quickly. Similarly, if the speaker is using words that are unfamiliar or difficult to pronounce, it can also be helpful to ask them to slow down.

20. “Thank you. That helps a lot.”

The phrase can be used either sincerely or sarcastically, depending on the circumstances. When used sincerely, the phrase conveys a genuine sense of gratitude. When used sarcastically, the phrase often conveys a sense of frustration or annoyance.

21. “What does _____ mean?”

This phrase can also be used when you want to know more about something. For example, if someone talks about their “BFF,” you could ask them, “What does ‘BFF’ mean?” And they would hopefully tell you that it stands for “best friend forever.”

22. “How do you spell that?”

The phrase “How do you spell that?” is a common English question that is used when someone wants to know the correct spelling of a word.

23. “What do you mean?”

One of the most common phrases in English is “What do you mean?” This phrase is used to ask for clarification when we don’t understand something. For example, if someone said “I’m going to the store,” we might ask “What do you mean?” if we don’t know what they’re planning to buy. In this case, we are asking for more information so that we can better understand the situation.

Basic English Phrases for Shopping

24. “Can you help me?”

You might ask for help finding your way around a new city or getting directions to a specific location. You might also ask for help with a task that you are struggling to complete on your own. Regardless of the specific situation, the phrase “Can you help me?” is a great way to request assistance from others.

25. “I am looking for…”

The phrase “I am looking for” is a common English phrase that can be used in a variety of different contexts. In most cases, it is used when someone is trying to find something or someone.

26. “Do you have this [object] in a different color?”

The phrase can be used for any type of object, from clothing to furniture to paint. It is a polite way to inquire about availability, and it gives the person being asked the opportunity to say no without feeling pressured. When used in a store setting, the phrase can also be a helpful way to gauge customer interest in an item.

27. “I do not know my size.”

This phrase is commonly used in English to express someone’s lack of knowledge or understanding about a particular topic. The phrase can be used to describe someone who is unsure of their own opinion or ability, as well as someone who is unsure of the facts.

28. “I need this in a size __”

It means that the person wants to buy the item of clothing but needs it in a different size than what is available. This phrase is commonly used when shopping in stores, but can also be used when shopping online.

29. “Where can I find [item]?”

This phrase is usually used when someone is looking for something and they do not know where it is. For example, if you are looking for your keys, you might say “Where can I find my keys?” If someone else knows where your keys are, they will tell you.

30. “How much does this/that cost?”

How much does this/that cost? This is a common phrase in English that is used in a variety of situations. For example, you might use it when you are shopping and want to know the price of an item before you purchase it. Alternatively, you might use it when you are trying to compare prices between two different products.

31. “I do not need a bag.”

This phrase is usually used when someone is buying something and they do not want the store to provide them with a bag. This phrase can also be used when someone is carrying something and they do not want to use a bag.

32. “Can someone help me carry this out?”

Often used when someone is asking for help with a task that is too large or heavy for them to do alone. The phrase can also be used more generally to ask for help with anything.

33. “Can I have this delivered?”

“Can I have this delivered?” is a common phrase used in English when someone wants to request that an item be brought to them instead of having to go and pick it up themselves.

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Basic English Phrases for Work

34. “How can I help you?”

Often used as a form of polite greeting, and it can be used to offer assistance to someone who appears to be in need. The phrase can also be used to show that you care about someone and want to help them in any way you can.

35. “I will be with you in a moment.”

Used to mean that the speaker will be available to the person they are speaking to very soon. The phrase is often used when the speaker is busy with something else but will be finished soon. It can also be used to mean that the speaker is coming to the person they are speaking to very soon.

36. “What time is our meeting?”

This phrase is typically used to ask someone else what the time of the upcoming meeting is. In other words, it is a way of asking for the schedule or itinerary for the meeting. This phrase can also be used as a way to confirm that the meeting is still on track and has not been rescheduled.

37. “Please call me (back) at…”

This is a common phrase in English that is used in both formal and informal settings. If you need to be more specific about when you want the person to call you back, you can say “Please call me back at…” followed by a time or day.

38. “(Oh really?) Actually, I thought…”

Often used to express disbelief or sarcasm, as in the following example: “I heard that you didn’t like the new restaurant. (Oh really?) Actually, I thought it was quite good.” In this case, the speaker is clearly not convinced by what they have been told.

39. “When is the deadline?”

The phrase can be literal, asking for the date and time when something is due, or it can be figurative, asking for how long someone has to do something. In either case, the phrase is a way of asking for information about a deadline.

40. “I am (just) about to [verb]…”

This phrase can be used for any number of activities, from simple tasks like eating or drinking to more complicated ones like going on a trip. It is a very versatile phrase and is a great way to describe what you are currently doing. Note that this phrase can also be shortened to “I’m about to [verb],” which has the same meaning.

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British Phrases and Their Meanings

41. “Keep your chin up”

The phrase is often used as a way to boost someone’s morale and remind them to stay positive. While the phrase can be used in a variety of situations, it is often used to comfort someone who is grieving or going through a tough time.

42. “Are You Alright?”

It’s a simple question, but it can show that you care about someone. Imagine that you’re walking down the street and you see someone who looks like they’re about to faint. You might ask them “Are you alright?” to see if they need help. Or, if you see someone who just got in a car accident, you might ask them the same question. In both cases, you’re simply checking to see if the person is okay and needs any assistance. So next time you hear someone ask “Are you alright?”, don’t be alarmed, they’re just being friendly!

43. “I’m Chuffed”

If you’re ever feeling pleased with yourself or just want to express how happy you are, you can use the phrase “I’m chuffed.” This common English expression is used to describe a range of positive emotions, from contentment and satisfaction to pure delight.

44. “Mind your Ps and Qs”

The phrase “Mind your Ps and Qs” is a short way of saying “Be careful about your language and behavior.” It’s often used as a warning to children or newcomers, telling them to watch what they say and do. The phrase likely comes from the world of printing, where apples and pears were used to represent the letters “p” and “q.” Because these two letters are very similar in shape, it was easy for typesetters to mix them up.

45. “I need a cuppa”

Simply put, “I need a cuppa” means “I need a cup of tea.” While this might not sound like a big deal, it’s actually a pretty important phrase. In many cultures, tea is seen as a way to relax and unwind, and taking a few minutes to enjoy a cup can be a great way to recharge after a long day.

Common Phrases for Daily Life

46. “What are you up to?”

One of the most common phrases in English is “What are you up to?” This phrase is used as a way to ask someone what they are doing. It can be used in both a friendly and an unfriendly way. For example, if you see a friend walking down the street, you might say “Hey! What are you up to?” in a friendly way. On the other hand, if you see someone snooping around your house, you might say “What are you up to?” in an unfriendly way.

47. “It’s a nice day, isn’t it?”

The phrase “It’s a nice day, isn’t it?” is a common English saying that is used in casual conversation. The phrase can be used to make small talk or simply as a way to be polite. In most cases, the person who says this phrase is not expecting a response.

48. “Do you mind (if I open the window)?”

The phrase “Do you mind (if I open the window)” is a common English phrase that is used to ask for permission. For example, if you are in a room with someone and you want to open the window, you would say “Do you mind if I open the window?” The other person can then answer “Yes, go ahead” or “No, I don’t mind.”

49. “Would you like (some coffee)?”

“Would you like (some coffee)?” is a commonly used phrase in English. It is used as a polite way to offer someone something, in this case, coffee. It is important to note that this phrase can be used regardless of whether or not the person actually wants coffee. For example, if you are at a party and someone offers you a drink, they may say “Would you like some coffee?” Even if you do not want coffee, it is considered polite to say “Yes, thank you” or “No, thank you.”

50. “Shall we (watch a film)?”

The phrase “Shall we” is usually used as a way of suggesting an activity to someone. For example, if you want to watch a film with your friends, you might say “Shall we watch a film?” The phrase “Shall we” can also be used as a way of making a suggestion more polite.

Common English Proverbs

51. “A stitch in time saves nine”

Is a good example of a proverb that is still widely used today. This phrase means that it is better to take care of a problem immediately, rather than wait until it becomes larger and more difficult to fix.

52. “You can’t judge a book by its cover.”

This phrase cautions people against making assumptions based on appearance. In other words, just because something looks a certain way doesn’t mean that it is actually that way.

53. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”

The saying is believed to have originated in Wales and first appeared in print in 1866. There are a number of possible explanations for why apples are seen as being particularly beneficial for health. One theory is that apples contain high levels of antioxidants, which can help to protect cells from damage. Another possibility is that the saying arose due to the fact that apples are a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for boosting the immune system. Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt that eating an apple every day can be good for your health!

54. “Honesty is the best policy.”

This proverb goes beyond simply encouraging honesty. It also suggests that honesty is always the best course of action, even when it might be tempting to lie or withhold information. In other words, honesty is not just about telling the truth; it’s also about being open and truthful with others, even when it might not be easy.

55. “Time heals all wounds”

The proverb “time heals all wounds” is often used to describe the healing process after a traumatic event. The idea is that over time, people will slowly start to feel better, and eventually, the pain will go away. This is often true for physical injuries, but it can also apply to emotional injuries such as grief or trauma. While it is not always the case that time will completely heal all wounds, it is often a necessary part of the healing process. Without time, people would never have the opportunity to process their emotions and move on from the hurt. In many cases, time really is the best medicine.

56. “Actions speak louder than words”

It’s easy to say that you’ll do something, but it’s harder to actually follow through. This proverb reminds us that it’s better to show someone you care through your actions, rather than just telling them.

57. “Better late than never”

While it’s always best to do things on time, it’s better to do them late than not at all. This proverb encourages people to finish what they’ve started, even if it takes longer than expected.

58. “Haste makes waste”

This proverb is a cautionary tale against rushing into things without thinking them through first. All too often, we make mistakes when we’re in a hurry. 

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8 Ways to Learn Basic Phrases in English

1. Watch Movies

When you’re trying to learn a new language, it can be difficult to find resources that are both effective and enjoyable. However, one great way to learn basic phrases in English is to watch movies. Not only are movies a fun way to spend some leisure time, but they also provide an authentic glimpse into how English is actually used.

To get the most out of this experience, select a film that you’re interested in and turn on the English subtitles. As you watch, take note of any particularly useful phrases or sentences. You can then look up the meaning of these phrases later and practice using them in your own conversations. With some patience and perseverance, watching movies can be an enjoyable way to build up your English skills.

2. Listen to Podcasts

Listening to podcasts is a great way to learn common phrases in English. By listening to native speakers use everyday phrases, you’ll quickly learn how to use them yourself. You can also pause and rewind the podcast if you need to hear something again. There are many different podcast episodes to choose from, so you can find ones that fit your interests and learning level. Plus, listening to podcasts is a fun and relaxing way to improve your English skills. Start listening to podcasts today and you’ll be surprised at how quickly your English improves.

3. Talk to Native Speakers

If you want to learn some basic phrases in English, one of the best things you can do is to talk to native speakers. There are a few things you should keep in mind when doing this, though.

First, it’s important to be respectful of the other person’s time. If they’re busy, don’t try to force a conversation.

Second, be patient. Not everyone is comfortable speaking a foreign language, and it might take a little time for them to warm up to you.

Finally, be prepared to practice. It can be helpful to have a few key phrases written down so that you can review them later. But don’t worry if you make mistakes – everyone does! With a little practice, you’ll be speaking like a native in no time.

4. Take Online Classes

Common phrases in English are important for anyone who wants to improve their English language skills. There are many ways to learn common phrases in English, but taking online classes is one of the most convenient and effective methods. There are a number of reasons why online classes are an ideal way to learn common phrases in English.

First, online classes offer a flexible schedule that can be adjusted to fit your needs. Second, online classes provide a variety of learning materials, including audio and video lessons, that can make learning common phrases more fun and engaging.

Finally, online classes offer the opportunity to practice using the phrases you have learned in a real-life setting by interacting with other students in the class. By taking advantage of all these benefits, you can quickly and easily learn common phrases in English that will help you improve your language skills.

5. Use AI Assistants

With the advent of smart speakers and virtual assistants, English language learners now have access to a powerful new tool: AI assistants. By asking questions and engaging in conversations, AI assistants can help users quickly learn common phrases in English. What’s more, they can provide feedback and corrections in real-time, helping users to avoid making mistakes. Best of all, AI assistants are available 24/7, meaning that users can fit their learning around their busy schedules. So if you’re looking for a convenient way to improve your English skills, why not give an AI assistant a try?

6. Read English Newspapers

Assuming you can read the alphabet and some basic words, one of the best ways to learn common phrases in English is by reading newspapers. start by finding an online newspaper or another website that has news articles written in English.

Begin by skimming the headlines and articles to get a general idea of what they are about. Then, look for specific phrases that stand out to you and try to guess what they mean based on the context. If you’re still unsure about the meaning of a particular phrase, you can use an online dictionary or translation tool to look it up. By regularly reading English newspapers, you’ll quickly learn some of the most common phrases used in everyday conversation.

7. Read Classic English Novels

There are many ways to learn basic English phrases, but one of the most effective methods is to read classic English novels. While some might find the language in these novels to be outdated, it can actually be helpful in learning common phrases in English. In addition, reading classic novels can also help improve your understanding of grammar and syntax. Even if you don’t understand all of the words, you can still get a sense of how they are used in context. With a little patience and perseverance, reading classic English novels can be a great way to learn basic phrases in English.

8. Visit an English Speaking Country

When traveling to an English-speaking country, there are a few common phrases you should learn before you go. This way, you can be sure to be understood and avoid any misunderstandings. While “hello” and “thank you” are essential, there are other phrases that can be useful in a variety of situations. For instance, “excuse me” is a polite way to get someone’s attention, while “I’m sorry” is key for diffusing any tense situations. If you’re looking for a specific item, “do you have…” will help you get started, and “how much does it cost?” will come in handy when budgeting for souvenirs. With a few key phrases in your arsenal, you’ll be ready to explore an English-speaking country with confidence.


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This blog has given an extensive list of English phrases and how to learn them. The phrases are divided into categories, so you can easily find the ones you need. You can also learn about the usage and meaning of each phrase. The blog also provides helpful tips on how to remember the phrases. By following the tips, you will be able to quickly learn and use the phrases in your everyday life. Thanks to this blog, you will be able to communicate more effectively in English like it’s your native language!


How do I practice English Conversations?

If you’re looking to improve your English conversation skills, there are a few things you can do to help yourself. First, try to find opportunities to practice English conversation with native speakers. This could mean joining an English language meetup group or taking a class at a local community college. If you don’t have any native-speaker friends, there are also many online resources that can help you practice your conversational skills.

What are Simple Sentences to Learn?

A simple sentence is a sentence that has one independent clause and no dependent clauses. A simple sentence has no subordinate clauses or phrases. It consists of only one subject and one verb. The most basic type of sentence is commonly used in everyday speech and writing. The following are some examples of simple sentences:

– I am a student.
– You are my friend.
– He is tall.
– Happy Birthday.
– She is happy.
– It is a cat.
– We are here.
– They are there.

What are helpful phrases to learn in English?

One of the most difficult things about learning English is mastering all of the different phrases. There are so many idiomatic expressions that it can be tough to keep track of them all. However, there are some phrases that are particularly helpful to know. For example, “Can I help you?” is a great way to offer assistance to someone who looks lost or confused. “I’m sorry” is another useful phrase, whether you’re apologizing for bumping into someone or for making a mistake. And of course, “Thank you” is always appreciated. Learning even just a few key phrases can make a big difference in your ability to communicate in English.

What are the most common English idioms?

Common Idioms in English are a great way to communicate with Native English language speakers. Especially in casual contexts. These simple phrases include:

“Blessing in disguise” – A bad thing that is for the best
“The cold shoulder” – To ignore and turn away
“Over the moon” – Being incredibly happy
“Insult to Injury” – To make a difficult situation worse
“You catch more flies with honey” – You get what you want by being nice
“Birds of a feather flock together” – People sticking together 
“Back to the drawing board” – Back to the planning phase of problem-solving

How do I learn to speak like a native English Speaker?

Though there are many different ways to learn a new language, some methods are more effective than others. For example, many language learners find that immersion is the best way to achieve fluency. This means surrounding yourself with the new language as much as possible, whether through watching movies and television shows, listening to music, or reading books. Many people also find that it helps to practice speaking with native speakers on a regular basis. This can be done through conversation exchange programs, online language learning platforms, or even just chatting with friends who speak the language.

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Bethany MacDonald

Bethany MacDonald

Bethany MacDonald has contributed articles LillyPad.ai since 2020. As their Blog Lead, she specialises in informative pieces on culture, education, and language learning

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