Adverbs of Place

What are Adverbs of Place?

Adverbs of place are a category of adverbs used to indicate the spatial or temporal location in which an action is occurring. They often start with “here,” “there,” and other adverbs expressing locative meanings like “inwards,” “outwards,” and so on. The adverb is usually placed after the verb, sometimes at the beginning of the phrase for emphasis. More examples include adverbs like ‘nowhere’, ‘anywhere’, ‘everywhere’ and ‘somewhere’.

These adverbs point out specific locations or convey general locations without defining them precisely. Adverbs of place can really add to your sentence structure, allowing more interesting ways to express yourself.

Adverbs of Place Rules

Learning these four critical rules when using adverbs of place will help communication with dependent clauses become clearer and easier.

Exceptions with Modal VerbsPlacement ensures the adverb is in front of the main verb, even if there is a helping verb present. Modal verbs such as ‘can’ are exceptions, in which case the Adverb comes after rather than before them.
Frequency OrderIt is important to remember to place adverbs indicating more frequent actions first, such as ‘always’ before other ones like ‘sometimes’.
Additional AdverbsTwo adverbs cannot be used within one sentence without being separated by a comma or by pairing them with coordinating conjunctions such as ‘and’ or ‘but’.
Double NegativesWatch out for double negatives which can change the meaning of a phrase completely.
Adverbs of Place Chart with rules and explanations
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Examples of Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of place are a special group of adverbs that show the location of an action, event or occurrence. Common adverbs of place include:

  • Above
  • Below
  • Nearby
  • Around

For instance, the adverb ‘above’ could be used to describe how a person jumped high above the ground; ‘under’ to explain how they crawled under a low wall; ‘into’ to explain how they ran into their neighbour’s garden.

Adverbs of place are dynamic words that give vivid descriptions to events and actions. The adverb ‘anywhere’, for example, can allow readers to visualize nearly any setting imaginable, from deep in outer space to the depths of history. With adverb phrases such as ‘far away’, ‘here and there’ and ‘upstairs and down’, adverbs of place can help writers express points clearly and vividly.

Adverbs of Place Exercises with Answers


  • “My sister ran _ when she heard a strange noise.”
  • “There is a lake _ the city park.”
  • “She politely thanked him and stepped back _ from him.”
  • “He strolled up the street _ his house.”
  • “The beaver busily constructed his den _ the bridge.”


  • “My sister ran away when she heard a strange noise.”
  • “There is a lake inside the city park.”
  • “She politely thanked him and stepped back away from him.”
  • “He strolled up the street towards his house.”
  • “The beaver busily constructed his den underneath the bridge.”

Adverbs of Place List

Adverbs of place are adverbs that specify the location of an action or object. Examples of adverbs of place include “above,” “below,” “here,” “there,” and so on. For instance, the adverb “here” typically refers to a place that is near the speaker, while “there” could refer to a more distant place. In addition, adverbs such as “upstairs” and “downstairs” indicate depth or altitude when speaking of locations in buildings or houses.

Moving further away, adverbs like “nearby” refer to locations that are close at hand and “abroad” can describe something located far away from the speaker’s immediate position. Finally, adverbs like “outside” point to being outdoors while “inside” speaks to being confined indoors. All these adverbs provide helpful clarity when discussing places around us and give insight into those otherwise obscured locations.

AboveUsed to express an upwards direction.
BelowIndicates that something is downward or beneath.
HereImplies the presence or location of the speaker.
ThereUsed to describe a lack of presence from the speaker.
InsideIndicates the interior position of something.
UpstairsIndicates the exterior position of something.
DownstairsExpresses the bottom of a set of stairs.
Adverbs of place list
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Advice for ESL Students & English Language Learners

Learning adverbs of place is a great way to start for English language learners. The adverbs of place are words used to describe the location or direction in which an action is taking place and can often be tricky for ESL students because they tend to be irregular in spelling.

The good news is that adverbs of place, while tricky, do follow some patterns so it’s important to take advantage of them and learn the adverb rules! Engaging with native speakers and working through practice materials are also great ways to learn adverbs and improve overall English language skills. Finally, having a positive attitude and being aware of mistakes but embracing them as learning opportunities will go a long way for any English language learner. Additionally, it is important for learners to properly understand adverbs of frequency and adverbs of time.

Common Mistakes Made by English Learners

One of the common mistakes made by English learners is forgetting to include adverbs of place when using verbs. Adverbs of place can add a vital layer of clarity to sentences by letting us know exactly where something happened. For example, the phrase “I looked out the window” works perfectly fine without adverbial clarification, but more precise phraseology such as “I looked out the kitchen window” adds specificity and guidance for how readers visualize the scene being described.

All English learners should strive to pay attention to adverbs of place in their written work as well as their speech. Doing so will help them communicate more effectively and make their writing sound smoother.

Common Mistakes:

1. Incorrect Tense

Why it Happens

Not having a firm grasp on correct tense usage can confuse your statements. This can cause you to use the wrong adverbs and misconstrue your message.

Correct Use

When speaking in the present simple tense, you would use an adverb that reflects current habits and routines (i.e. never, seldom). Keep tense in mind when selecting your adverbs.

2. Incorrect Repetition

Why it Happens

It can be easy to do, but using too many adverbs can cause a double negative. For example “I always never go there”. This is an obsolete statement because to “never” do something is to “always never” do it.

Correct Use

Avoid placing two place adverbs together in one statement; this often ends up turning your sentence into a contradiction.

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3. Incorrect Context

Why it Happens

People don’t know how to decipher the difference between something that is happening now, and something that is ongoing.

Correct Use

If you want to express that something happened multiple times in the past but is not a continuous habit now, use ‘used to’ instead of ‘always’.

4. Incorrect Usage

Why it Happens

You don’t know which adverbs to use, so you use too many and it confuses the statement.

Correct Use

Using too many place adverbs can make your writing sound monotonous and can also lead to viewers losing interest. Therefore it is important to focus on expressing yourself clearly and effectively with them.

Tips to Avoid Common Mistakes:

It can be easy to fall into the trap of making common mistakes, but there are some simple tips that can help you avoid them. Adverbs of place are a great place to start – adverbs like “here,” “there,” and “somewhere” provide context about the situation or environment.

  • When using adverbs, it’s important to make sure that the adverb really matters to the sentence and that it isn’t just used as a filler word.
  • Additionally, take time when constructing sentences to make sure that it flows smoothly. Read over it carefully and consider how each word contributes significantly to what is trying to be said.

With a little extra work and effort, avoiding common mistakes becomes much easier!

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Learning Adverbs of Place Strategies and Best Practices

Learning adverbs of place can greatly improve your understanding of the English language. Adverbs of place provide insights into where something happens, and are essential for efficiently writing a variety of sentences.

Thankfully, there are numerous strategies available now to help you learn adverbs of place. It is best to create a mnemonic device that ties adverbs directly to the places they describe, such as by using imagery associated with each adverb.

Additionally, you may want to review adverbs in written literature and practice using them aloud in everyday conversations. With dedication and an understanding of adverbs of place’s nuances, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this important aspect of English.

Tip 1: Study a List

Why it helps

Learning the various forms and using them properly in speaking and writing is easier than it seems with daily practice. A list can simplify this process and make it seem less daunting.

Daily Life Example

The best way to learn to use adverbs correctly is to study a list of adverbs and their usages, then practice writing sentences with them.

Tip 2: Practice Reading

Why it helps

Exposing yourself to adverbs hidden between other words can help you identify them faster and with more accuracy.

Daily Life Example

To ensure that you understand how frequently an adverb should be used it’s important to practice reading with them as well, so the meanings become clear. So keep a book of your choice on hand and highlight every adverb you come across.

Tip 3: Everyday Conversations

Why it helps

By applying the adverbs of place exercise to everyday conversations, you’ll find these words easy to remember and use in the near future.

Daily Life Example

Take your time when speaking to people. Take note of the adverbs they use, and try and repeat them back in different contexts. You can also do this from the comfort of home by recording yourself or using an AI assistant.

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Adverbs of Place Frequently Asked Questions

Adverbs of location are an essential part of the English language, providing a more precise level of description when speaking and literary style. These adverbs provide information on where something is located in relation to something else, and they can be used with verbs, adverbs, or adjectives. Examples of adverbs of place include:


These phrasal verbs can be used for more than an idea of location. Adverbs of place can even be used to refer to a person’s attitude or disposition – someone can be outwardly positive but deep down feeling fragile. Through adverbs of place, we can more accurately represent position in relation to location and emotion in our language. They can also be paired with adverbs of time to give more in-depth descriptions. 

Common adverbs of place include:
Everywhere implies that the action is happening in all places, even those hard-to-reach locations. Anywhere suggests that any action can take place at any available location. Finally, nowhere illustrates that an action is not occurring in any particular area or place. With adverbs of place, it is possible to provide a better look into where something was done or taking place.

Adverbs of place help to describe where a person, direct object or action is in relation to something else. Examples of adverbs of place include:


For example, the adverb ‘around’ indicates that something is located at different points or places – it might be around the corner, around the block or around the world. Other adverbs like up, down, inside and outside can provide more specific information about a location. Knowledge of adverbs can be used to inform how we function in our daily lives and navigate our surroundings.

Adverbial phrases can add nuance and purpose to a phrase and are commonly used to indicate the source, time, location, or direction of an action. Adverbs should generally be placed in the middle of a sentence right after the verb they modify.

For example, “She ran quickly through the door” is appropriate while “She quickly ran through the door” is also acceptable. However, adverbs that modify adverbs should always be placed at the end of a sentence. For example: He drove very slowly becomes He drove slowly very. Ultimately, adverbs of place enrich English grammar and it is important therefore to understand where they should go when writing sentences.

Think of these types of spatial adverbs and the usual suspects inevitably pop up – here, there and everywhere. However, despite “home” being a commonly-used type of adverb, it is technically an adverbial phrase or locative adverb. According to traditional classifications, an adverb of place must be a single adverb, such as “here” or “there.”

Being more precise in our language usage can help us communicate ideas more efficiently and accurately in all aspects of life. Instead of just saying “home,” next time try using phrases like “in my home” or “at my house.” Small details really do matter!

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